Immigration Evaluation Directory
What Is an Immigration Evaluation?
Clinical evaluation conducted for an immigration legal case to provide evidence for the case.
Value & Impact
The evaluation is very often imperative in the case & decides:
- Whether someone is deported to life-threatening circumstances
- Whether a family is split apart
Meet with client twice
- Approx 1 to 1.5 hrs each time
- Online or in-person
Written assessment
- Very thorough, between 15-25 pages depending on the type of evaluation
- Timeframe around 2 or 3 weeks
- If there is a need for an expedited evaluation an additional fee for a rush service will be assessed depending on how fast the turnaround is.
Therapist’s fee
- $1200
Provide the following assessments:
- Asylum Cases: Explaining psychological reasons why a client missed the one-year filing deadline;
and detailing how PTSD symptoms provide evidence of the persecution they suffered. - Extreme Hardship Cases: Identifying unique factors contributing to a client’s psychological distress such as: illness; disability; professional, financial, or academic hardship; or adverse home-country conditions that would affect the petitioner or their family members.
- VAWA Cases: Detailing the client’s psychological symptoms which are common for domestic violence victims; assessing credibility; and where useful, explaining uncommon phenomena such as ways in which men are abused by female partners.
- T-Visa and U-Visa Cases: Detailing the client’s psychological symptoms which are common for human trafficking, abduction, extortion; attempted murder, and more; assessing credibility; and describing how immigrant has suffered substantial mental or physical abuse.
Purpose of T-Visa
T-Visa offer protection to victims and strengthen the ability of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute human trafficking
- Similar to the purpose of U Visa but focuses solely on human trafficking
- Traffickers often take advantage of vulnerable individuals, including those lacking lawful immigration status
Purpose of U-Visa
- Provide a detailed assessment for U Visa immigration case
- Describe how immigrant has suffered substantial mental or physical abuse
- Describe how immigrant has been helpful (or intends to be helpful) to law enforcement or govt. officials in the investigation/prosecution of criminal activity
- The Psychological evaluation is critically important to help the lawyer establish the level of “substantial mental abuse.”Qualifying Crimes for U-Visa:
- Trafficking (T-Visa)
- Abduction
- Blackmail
- Domestic Violence (Typically a VAWA)
- Extortion
- False Imprisonment
- Female Genital Mutilation
- Felonious Assault
- Fraud in Foreign Labor Contracting
- Incest
- Murder
- Obstruction of Justice
- Perjury
- Prostitution
- Sexual Assault
- Slave Trade
- Stalking
- Torture